

She was born in Panagia Nicopoleos of Preveza. She’s raised and has been living in Athens since 1980. A graduate from the Law School of Athens and the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, with postgraduates in Criminal Law Sciences, having Nicolaos Androulakis as her supervisor.
She’s registered at the Athens Bar Association and has been Attorney to the Supreme Court of Greece since 2015. Since 2014 she’s accredited Mediator of the Greek Ministry of Justice with further mediation retraining at Negotiation skills, Workplace Mediation, Commercial Mediation and Family Mediation.
  See my resume

Our Firm's Services

The firm was founded at 2001 by Georgiou Spyridoula. From the first day of its establishment, the basic goal and aspiration was to serve the Greek Judicial System under professionalism, with esteem and tenets. It has been successfully providing through all these years legal services for persons and legal entities of Greece and Abroad, covering legal issues, disputes and Court Litigations of Civil, Commercial and Criminal Interest. Since 2014, the firm has ruled and methodically developed a special department which provides dedicated in Alternative Dispute Resolution services (ADR).

Property Law

The firm addresses legal issues and provides legal services in claims, disputes and litigations pertained to Property Law as Property Law acquisition, such as ownership, special cases of ownership, possession, possession protection, forced expropriation, land ownership and loss, personal and real estate bondage, security over real estate, realty security interest, real estate etc.

Law of Obligations

The firm provides legal services for all the issues that appertain to Law of Obligations contents. In specific, it deals with:

  • • Contract laws
  • • Torts delinquency
  • • Unjust enrichment
  • • Creditors’ Defraud
  • • Leasing
  • • Works contract
  • • Employment contracts
  • • Insurance companies’ contracts undertakings
  • • Credit Insurance contracts
  • • Financial law
  • • Real Estate etc.

Inheritance Law

The firm provides legal services for all the issues that appertain to Inheritance Law (Litigations and Court disputes arising from Testaments, Actions relating to Inheritance, reserved share, inheritance acceptance and waiver, inheritance worthlessness, multiple inheritors legal relations etc).

Family Law

The firm provides legal services for all the issues that appertain to Family Law, such as:

  • • Marriage
  • • Civil partnership
  • • Divorce
  • • Adoption
  • • Spousal legal relations
  • • Spouse and child legal relations
  • • Underage guardianship
  • • Underage fostering
  • • Guardianship with Court Decision etc

Commercial - Company Law

The firm scientifically provides legal services to persons and legal entities which are active in business and commercial sector in Greece. It covers all issues of Commercial - Company Law that are adequate for the successful operation of a corporation in Greece. Starting 2001 till date, it has been providing legal services to companies as BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO SA, EULER HERMES EMPORIKI SA, GROUPAMA PHOENIX SA, F. NAKAS ABEETE, K. SARAFIDIS Commercial & Industrial S.A., LAURENDIADIS NEOXIMIKI Industrial and Commercial S.A., LAMDA POLYMERS INTERNATIONAL SA, TNB FRANCE, PLAISIO COMPUTERS SA, EBEX Commercial & Industrial S.A., KLIMATEXNIKI SA, MPENROUMPIS SA, VIOLIGNIT ΑΜΕΤΒΕ, ADMIROSA, CHEMITEX SA etc.

Criminal Law

Since 2001 till now, the office successfully provides legal services in Criminal interest cases, covering all sectors of Criminal Law and mainly of the Economic Criminal Law. Ostensive affairs the office is activated in:

  • • Property crimes
  • • Property Rights crimes
  • • Memorandum criminal cases
  • • Crimes against life
  • • Crimes against honor etc.

Private Health Insurance Law

With great experience in Private Health Insurance Law, as well as in large Greek and international insurance companies, the office provides legal services in legal disputes that arise from private insurance sector contracts between civilians and insurance companies, among insurance companies, as well as between insurance companies and their directors.

Intellectual Property Law

In recent years, the office provides legal services in legal issues, differences and litigations which cover the intellectual property rights area, of which objective is the project to be an “intangible asset”. It operates in cases that are legally protected by the initial Law 2121/1993 regarding intellectual property rights and the laws that followed afterwards, the International Contract of Verne - Paris, as well as the Classifications Scheme Provision regarding intellectual property of the World Intellectual Property Organization, which protect the intellectual creations of expression, art or science and underline the two basic elements of the project’s significance, which are “the form” and “the originality”.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Since 2014 till now, the office successfully provides services in cases, judiciaries and litigations which, according the law, can appertain to a legal procedure of extrajudicially resolution, applying international practices on the alternative methods of dispute resolution (Alternative Dispute Resolution - ADR) rigorously conforming the principle of confidentiality for the concerned parties.


Mediation was introduced in the Greek legal order through the adoption of Law No 3890/2010, integrating the provisions of Directive 2008/52/ΕC of the European Parliament & also of the 21 May 2008 Council.

It’s about a new Institution in the area of the Greek Justice.

An Αlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), which was originated and has wide-ranging and positive applicability in the Anglo-Saxon Law.

In Greece, after almost 10 years of enactment of the institution, MEDIATION
gets powerful force by the adoption of Law No 4640/30-11-2019 in our system of law, since, according to the 6 § 1 article of Law No 4640/2019, the vast majority of civil and trade disputes are subject to appertained to a Mandatory Initial Mediation Session. In specific, these disputes are the following:

  • Family disputes, except the ones of the cases a’, b’ and c’ of paragraph 1, as well as those of art. 592 paragraph 2 paragraph 2 in 592 Article of Code of Civil Procedure.

  • The disputes that are adjudicated through the regular procedure and they are under jurisdiction of the Single-member Court, if the value of the subject of dispute is over 30.000€, as well as all the disputes of the Multi-member Court of First Instance (Regular Procedure), according to the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure.

  • The disputes for which, it is prescribed under a written agreement of the members, and there is a Mediation clause in force.



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The principled Mediation

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